NFBPA Committees

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The Academic Advisory Council is charged with generating support for NFBPA programs within institutions of higher learning and increasing the participation of graduate students in NFBPA. The Council shall serve as an advisory body to the Board of Directors.  


The Awards Committee will conduct the annual selection process and evaluation process for the following NFBPA annual awards in accordance with the guidelines/criteria established by the Board. The awards include Marks of Excellence, Hall of Fame, Stephen D. Ford “Young Public Administrator ”, Jacqueline L. Whitman, Educator of the Year, and the Yvette P. Harris award.  


The purpose of the Building Greater Futures (BGF) Committee is to provide support and resources to NFBPA members not currently in public administration.  These include students, members-in-transition, and retired members.  Our aim is to provide these members a voice, expand NFBPA’s reach, and build upon their institutional knowledge in the public administration field.


Review the Bylaws to address membership categories, code of conduct for members, removal of board members; align the Board Policy Manual with Bylaws; present any amendments to the Bylaws to the Board at its January Meeting for consideration at the Annual Spring Meeting, review election procedures, and recommend processes for upcoming elections.


The purpose of the Conference Planning and Evaluation Committee (CPEC) is to provide input and to assist with the development of program content which enhances the knowledge of the attendees who attend the annual conference, known as the FORUM.  CPEC accomplishes this through working with the National Office and Local Chapter.  CPEC also ensures that an evaluation of the annual FORUM is provided to the attendees. 

The Committee’s duties shall include ensuring relevant topics for workshops, identifying workshop panelists, suggesting keynote speakers, and recommending other state of the art educational and networking activities to ensure an overall positive experience for attendees.  Also, the Committee shall work with the Executive Director to recommend an annual FORUM budget, with the objective of a profit-making conference. Furthermore, the committee will conduct a thorough review of potential conference locations, including the physical review of potential sites, in collaboration with the Executive Director and the Meeting Planner Consultant. 


The Emerging Leaders Council (ELC) is comprised of local chapter Emerging Leader designees and volunteers. The ELC serves as the advisory body of the Board of Directors for matters related to students and young professionals, strategic planning, and the advancement of NFBPA. 


The NFBPA endowment supports the long-term financial vitality of the organization.  The stronger the endowment, the brighter and more valuable the organization can be. The Endowment Committee ensures the health of the endowment fund by managing the proceeds of campaigns and proposing guidelines on the distribution of funds from giving programs. 


Provides oversight of all major financial aspects of the organization. Reviews and recommends the annual operational budget for NFBPA. Reviews and recommends the annual conference budget for Forum. Reviews and recommends the project budget for LAD. Reports on the organizational financial statements on a quarterly basis. Reports on the Forum financial statements.  Reports on the investment account activity of NFBPA.  Reviews Annual Audit and assures adequate response to Management letter.  Reports on the compliance of budget plan for organization and Forum.  Monitors and reviews  the overall fiscal status of financial statements. Conducts monitoring of the accounting and procedures policy, and makes recommendations as needed.  


This Committee will oversee the development and implementation of a Fund Development Plan; identify and solicit funds from external sources of support, working with the Executive Director.  The Fund Development Plan shall respond to the short- and long-term funding needs of the organization and should be coordinated with the activities of the Conference Planning and Evaluation Committee and the Program Committee.  The Committee is also responsible for the involvement and support by Board Members in the organization’s fund development efforts. 
Many aspects of the implementation of the strategic plan depend directly or indirectly on our ability to market the organization and its products and services in an enhanced manner through the development of a marketing plan.


As needed, recommend to the Board, additions, and modifications to the organization’s existing personnel policies—captured in the document entitled “Employee Handbook.” The committee provides assistance to the Executive Director regarding other policy issues relating to personnel matters.


The International Affairs Committee manages and develops NFBPA’s overseas partnerships.  This includes overseeing efforts to enhance our current organizational partnerships, draw practical benefits from these relationships in the form of ideas/resources that could benefit NFBPA membership, and broaden NFBPA’s awareness among international public administrators. 

Furthermore, the Committee will seek to establish partnerships with CIMPAD, SALGA, and NAPA on international priorities.  The goal is to create these partnerships via a MOU. 


This committee will identify new markets to recruit NFBPA members. It is responsible for developing criteria for using the NFBPA brand, establishing brand protocol, and overseeing NFBPA’s social media presence. The committee also aligns the marketing plan with Fund Development Plan.


Promote programs to grow and recognize membership advancements in NFBPA.  Identify initiatives to enhance membership value. Coordinate the activities of ELI Alumni, COP, Emerging Leaders Council to align membership related initiatives.  Recruit and Charter 5 new chapters over the next 2 years.  Provide oversight for the COP Operations Manual.  Serve as the lead for the Membership Functional Group for Vision 2020. Report Quarterly on the results of the membership-related focus areas.



Solicit and review applications for positions of the Board of Directors, and to develop and present a slate of nominees at the annual business meeting.  The Committee shall consider geographic and gender representation in developing the slate of nominees, as well as abide by established criteria for board member selection.


Program Committee evaluates the flagship programs of NFBPA and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors. Establishes the research topics of the ELI and Mentor programs. Coordinates with the Chair of the Jack Bond Council for mentors for young aspiring administrators.  Recommends a 2-year Policy Partnership for Board consideration. Coordinates the activities of the Program Functional Group for Vision 2020. Reports Quarterly on the results of the program-related focus areas.


The Strategic Planning and Development Committee, chaired by the President, works in concert with the Board Committees, Council of Presidents (COP), and the National Corporate Council (NCC) in developing, updating, and monitoring the Strategic Plan for the future viability of NFBPA. This Plan is an important tool for providing the membership with direction for the future of the organization.


The Sustainability Committee mission is to provide guidance to the Board of Directors by identifying and assisting with the development and formulation of sustainability projects and initiatives which promote and maintain balance between the economic, social, and environmental needs of NFBPA members, partners, communities, and corporate council members.


Provide oversight and guidance in the development and expansion of NFBPA’s technology programs and/or capabilities.  Review and discuss issues of significance in technology.  Offer recommendation to the NFBPA with respect to their need for the organization to focus on selected technology issues and/or programs.  Develop an annual policy agenda to be adopted by the Board that identifies the core emphasis of local and national technology programs.  Establish a global online network of NFBPA members.  Through the use of a web site, this online network will provide rapid communication on issues critical to the membership. Continue to implement the strategic plan to enhance technology for the organization.  

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If you’re interested in joining one of our committees or need more information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Our team is here to assist you with any questions or provide further details about our committees and how you can get involved. We look forward to hearing from you!